Mercurius Forum

The Family Offices and Investors Forum

Who are we?

MERCURIUS FORUM is conceived as a communication space for family offices and international investment funds, with the aim of informing about investment opportunities in different strategic sectors, through the analysis of premium projects.

MERCURIUS FORUM is a collaborative framework where international investors have access to proposals selected according to quality or interest criteria.

Furthermore, MERCURIUS FORUM is an ideal channel for startups, entities, companies, ... to present their projects or needs to a large pool of international investors, in a secure and confidential environment.


We believe in a world without borders and freedom of information, where investors can access interesting, attractive and quality projects and initiatives.

We believe that there are excellent projects or ideas with the aim of attracting capital or investment that are very difficult to access due to the difficulty of contacting international investors who could undoubtedly be interested in them.

Where to invest?

MERCURIUS FORUM was created to cover all quality projects, regardless of the sector in which they may be integrated.

We are specialists in the study and analysis of projects and initiatives in:
Real Estate
DCM & Equity

Meeting Point

MERCURIUS FORUM is presented as a forum for knowledge, proposals and investment.

We operate at different levels:

  • To present this forum to the relevant actors in the most significant sectors so that they can integrate it into their proposals and investment ideas and conclude that it is a valid channel for achieving their objectives.
  • Search for investments according to the needs of family offices or investment funds, according to their strategies.
  • Study and prepare incoming proposals for communication to the investor forum for their feedback and investment interest.


MERCURIUS FORUM is composed of an important international community of family offices, investment funds, angel investors, venturecapital... that meet the strictest criteria and requirements of excellence and professionalism, sharing the principles of market freedom and information.

Membership is voluntary and free of charge.


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